Urgent need: Preowned 900mhz Ubiquity Rocket M900 or Ubiquiti NanoBridge M9 radios or their equivalents of any brand.

900mhz wifi NLOS bridge non-line of sight

We need preowned and used 900mhz WIFI bridges Working with a community in the Western North Carolina mountains with half the residents unable to get internet of any kind, we’re desperate to help.  Literally no cell phone reception, no DSL,… Continue Reading

Where did 900mhz NLOS wifi bridges go? The FCC quietly BANNED new 900mhz for WIFI in the United States. Completely outrageous and nobody is talking about it.

Federal Communications Commission Logo

Wireless networking is nothing new.  WIFI has been around in modern form since at least 1997, according to this History of WIFI Technology.  Over the years, standards have changed, frequencies have been updated, manufacturers have come and gone. But one… Continue Reading