Photo Review: Green River Log Cabin Modular Home Delivery in Henderson County, NC by C & D Contractors

Steep turn Henderson County NC Green River Log Cabin

If you’ve never seen a modular home delivered in the mountains, this is where they earn their pay.  Delivery of our Green River Log Cabin by C & D Contractors was nothing less than amazing. Check out these photos…


Green River Log Cabin mountain delivery

Here is our first sight of the new Green River Log Cabin being delivered by C&D Contractors


Remote control modular delivery Layton Remote Trax Green River Log Cabin

C&D Contractors gently guided our Green River Log Cabin with a Layton Remote Trax machine.


Steep hillside with Layton Remote Trax Green River Log Cabin

Gaining over 700 feet in elevation and several switchbacks, C&D Construction and Layton Remote Trax gently eased it up the road.


Even rugged spots difficult to navigate with a car were no problem for C&D and the Layton Remote Trax.


Oversize Load coming through, C&D Construction and the Layton


Man directing truck back up

C&D used precise direction and communication, including hand signals and 2-way radio headsets.


Layton Remote Trax Green River Log Cabin

C&D Contractors gently guided our Green River Log Cabin with a Layton Remote Trax machine.


Turning Green River modular cabin around with truck

C&D amazingly navigating tight corners we thought were impossible with a Layton Remote Trax


Man looking up at American Flag while delivering Green River Log Cabins



Mitsubishi Mini Split Oversize Delivery Green River Log Cabin

Such a tight turnaround, C&D literally had to push a flagpole out of way…


Layton Remote Trax Green River Log Cabin

More impressive maneuvering by C&D Construction Modular Home Delivery and their Layton Remote Trax.


Mitsubishi Mini Split Oversize Delivery Green River Log Cabin

Almost there, final turnaround of the Green River Log Cabin


Layton Remote Trax Green River Log Cabin

Final stretch backing in the Green River Modular Log Cabin


Two men trying to remove a post from dirt

Get that post, get it!

How to find Henderson County Modular Home Delivery

C&D Contractors

Manufactured & Modular Home Delivery
Located in Inman, SC, Serving Henderson County NC and all of WNC

+1 864-415-5797

Find them on Facebook


Grown up in Cleveland, Ohio, USA., previously lived in Phoenix, Arizona and Tampa, Florida areas, and recently co-located to Asheville, North Carolina area. Trained as an Army MP, but bit of a renegade career wise. Phil has owned successful businesses in insurance, private investigations, surety bail bond industries, and has experience in computer network engineering, hospitality advertising, asset recovery and repossession, and even a few years traveling most of the lower 48 states, Ontario and Northern Mexico as a commercial over the road truck driver. Career long entrepreneur, property investor and rental manager. Phil loves sharing his experiences of great food, travel, experiences and products.