If you’ve never seen a modular home delivered in the mountains, this is where they earn their pay. Delivery of our Green River Log Cabin by C & D Contractors was nothing less than amazing. Check out these photos…

Here is our first sight of the new Green River Log Cabin being delivered by C&D Contractors

C&D Contractors gently guided our Green River Log Cabin with a Layton Remote Trax machine.

Gaining over 700 feet in elevation and several switchbacks, C&D Construction and Layton Remote Trax gently eased it up the road.

Even rugged spots difficult to navigate with a car were no problem for C&D and the Layton Remote Trax.

Oversize Load coming through, C&D Construction and the Layton

C&D used precise direction and communication, including hand signals and 2-way radio headsets.

C&D Contractors gently guided our Green River Log Cabin with a Layton Remote Trax machine.

C&D amazingly navigating tight corners we thought were impossible with a Layton Remote Trax


Such a tight turnaround, C&D literally had to push a flagpole out of way…

More impressive maneuvering by C&D Construction Modular Home Delivery and their Layton Remote Trax.

Almost there, final turnaround of the Green River Log Cabin

Final stretch backing in the Green River Modular Log Cabin

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How to find Henderson County Modular Home Delivery
C&D Contractors
Manufactured & Modular Home Delivery
Located in Inman, SC, Serving Henderson County NC and all of WNC
+1 864-415-5797
Find them on Facebook